Tuesday, July 16, 2013

More Obamacare Supporters No Longer Support It

The government has wasted millions of dollars trying to implement Obamacare, even spent our tax dollars trying to convince us it is a good deal.  All this despite the removal of provisions already found to be too expensive or unworkable.  The facts have emerged and as former Speaker of the House Pelosi said before it became law "We need to pass it so we can see what is in it."  A nonsensical political statement if there ever was one.  Anyway, contrary to Ms. Pelosi's expectations we have seen what's in it and we don't like it, even members of her own party say so.  And, among its most ardent supporters, the nation's unions are now on record as opposing it.  It is past time to kill this law and stop the bleeding of taxpayer funds attempting to keep it alive. 

See this link.   http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2013/07/15/another-democrat-calls-obamacare-a-disaster-n1640800  

George Burns

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