Saturday, February 23, 2013

IRAs & 401Ks at Risk

For anyone with a private retirement account be aware that the government is giving thought to taking it over.  If you believe that the government has done a good job running Medicare, Social Security (both near bankruptcy) and other programs then you will be okay with a government take over of your private retirement accounts.  However, there is a huge downside to doing so.  What the government has done is spend all of our Social Security contributions.  The so called "social security lock box" which was originally intended to secure our money until we retired has, instead, no real money in it.  Real money has been replaced with IOUs.  Current retirees are funded by current workers.  The problem is that there is an increasing number of retirees and a declining number of workers.  Given our nation's dire financial condition where do you think the government is to get the funds to back fill the IOUs?  It cannot and will not be able to because of our huge national debt, hence, benefits will be reduced, retirement age extended, taxes raised or worse.  If you don't want your private retirement accounts to be raided and suffer the same consequences as Social Security, then you and your fellow workers need to demand the government leave your money alone.  The point is that the government is badly in need of hard cash and your retirement accounts are there for the pickings.  The below link provides the details.  Please, for your retirement's sake, check it out and take action to prevent the potential theft of your hard earned savings.  George Burns   

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