Thursday, November 15, 2012

This Is Your Life under Obamacare

Thanks, Obama voters. You just imposed on the rest of us degraded medical care and rising costs. This is no longer hypothetical or abstract. It's real. It's the law.
Here are some of the bad repercussions of your vote:
1. Decline in pay for doctors
Medicare pays doctors only a small fraction of the work they put in. So if she does $100.00 worth of work, Medicare sends him $20.00 or $25.00. Is it any wonder that doctors pad the bill? One of my students who works in a doctor's office said in class she's in charge of billing, and it's "totally true" that Medicare pays doctors only a fraction of what they did.
Another one of my students told us that the doctor she used to work for (she still keeps track of her friends who work in the office) was getting arrested for fraud. He said, "How am I supposed to pay my employees on such little money? How am I supposed to live?"
Have you sat in a doctor's office recently? Doctors take in patients per hour at an alarming rate, just to pay their own bills. I can hear their muffled voices in the mini-offices nearby. I don't imagine he spends more than five minutes -- and that's long -- with each patient.
Doctors run through patients like cattle at branding time.
If you don't believe this will happen under Obamacare, you're naïve. Costs will be rationed (see no. 3, below), and that rationing will include a doctor's lowered reimbursement for services rendered.

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