Thursday, November 15, 2012

Spain Worse Than Greece; Only One Realistic Solution

Both Greece and Spain are in the midst of huge depressions. The unemployment rate in Spain is 25.8%, in Greece it's 24.4%. Youth unemployment is over 50% in both countries.

Greece is in its 6th year of depression and GDP is down another 7.2%. Expect Spain to follow.

Matthew Dalton, writing for the Wall Street Journal explains Where Spain Is Worse Than Greece
By most measures, Greece’s economy is in worse shape than Spain’s. Greece has been largely shut off from financial markets for more than two years; yields on its bonds are still sky high. Gross domestic product has fallen nearly 20% over the previous three years. Spain can still borrow from private investors, and its GDP has fallen around 5% during the crisis.

But if you take forecasts from the European Commission seriously, Greece enjoys one formidable advantage over Spain: Its economy is running well below capacity, while the Spanish economy, despite an unemployment rate around 25%, is operating relatively close to full steam.

Why is that an advantage? According to the commission, it means that the Greek unemployment rate should fall sharply if the economy starts to recover again, without causing inflation. Spain faces a much more difficult situation. If the structure of its labor market doesn’t change, the commission’s analysis suggests that a nascent economic recovery in Spain could be hampered by labor shortages that would spark wage inflation.

Greece faces similar problems, but they are less serious, according to the commission’s analysis. Yes, the “government-borrows-money-and funds-consumption” model of growth won’t be available to Greece anymore. But it didn’t endure the same private-sector credit bubble that hit Spain during the previous decade.

The differences between Greece and Spain can be seen in several economic metrics published by the commission. There is the output gap, or the difference between actual GDP and potential GDP (as a percentage of potential GDP). The figure is a whopping 13% for Greece but just 4.6% for Spain.

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