Monday, November 5, 2012

Obama halted EPA regs for political split second to plan massive 2013 environmental regs

Congressman Cliff Stearns, Florida Republican, called it in September of 2011. One year ago, President Barack Obama claimed that during economic recovery, it was necessary to lessen  regulatory uncertainty so he asked Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson to withdraw the draft Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards.
Liberals and their allies in environmentalist groups were outraged by the decision. Former Vice President Al Gore wrote in a blog post, “Instead of relying on science, President Obama appears to have bowed to pressure from polluters who did not want to bear the cost of implementing new restrictions on their harmful pollution."
Rep. Stearns a top member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee did not buy it, though. He told The Hill "issuing such a rule would cause [Obama] severe electoral problems in the next election."
Stearns, who was redistricted this year and lost his seat during the Florida primaries, hinted to what was mentioned in the statement released by the White House:
Work is already underway to update a 2006 review of the science that will result in the reconsideration of the ozone standard in 2013. Ultimately, I did not support asking state and local governments to begin implementing a new standard that will soon be reconsidered.

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