Monday, November 12, 2012

Liberal Daily Kos diarist calls for 'benevolent' Obama dictatorship

In a diary posted Thursday at the left wing Daily Kos, Michael Alton Gottlieb called for Obama to rule the country as a "benevolent" dictator.
"The American Presidency is a de facto dictatorship," he wrote.
According to Gottlieb, the president "has unprecedented power of Fiat" and "literally has the power of life and death over every citizen in the nation."
So, in Gottlieb's view, the president should use that power for "good."
Echoing Michael Moore, Gottlieb says Obama should "lock up the bankers," without giving any reason why. Apparently, the fact that they work in a bank is reason enough for them to be stripped of their right to due process and tossed in jail.
"Reform the system. Forgive the debt. Reboot," he added. Unfortunately, the economy doesn't work that way, but it probably sounded good to Gottlieb at the time he wrote it.
He also called for Obama to unilaterally declare a national emergency, but doesn't say exactly why. He says America should "bring the troops home and the military-industrial-complex to heel."
Gottlieb seems to have forgotten the Executive Order signed by Obama that would spell out what could happen in such a declared national emergency. The order, signed in March, would effectively nationalize everything, including food, water and U.S. citizens.
He talks about fixing infrastructure and rebuilding towns, roads and bridges as if America just emerged from a great world war.

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