Saturday, November 24, 2012

Examples of lawlessness on part of the Obama Administration

I have been accused of using invectives and exaggeration in describing the current administration, which now has four more years to dismantle our Constitution. How dare I call the EPA a rogue organization? It's director, Lisa Jackson decided to enforce a mandate that oil refiners blend cellulosic ethanol into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. There is one little problem though. It does not yet exist commercially. That is apparently of little concern to Lisa. The EPA fined refiners $6.8 million for not following their edict. They appealed her decision. She thanked them for their concern, but said the decision will stand, pay up! Yes, it was George Bush who signed the Energy Independence and Security Act in 2007, which set this mandate in motion. Somehow, I don't think President Bush would be copacetic with this mugging and theft of the energy sector. American oil refiners have been forced to spend money to sue the federal government for being forced to comply with an impossible edict, rather than focusing on creating jobs.

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