Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Why Bill Clinton Is All Wet

The Clinton line, an elaboration of Obama excuse No. 37 for the dismal economy (after the Arab Spring, ATM machines, the euro crisis, and tomato blight in Mrs. Obama’s White House garden), goes like this: The economy was so damaged by Bush-era policies that “no president” could have been expected to do better than the record-high poverty, staggering unemployment, shrinking workforce participation, anemic growth, and gargantuan debt over which Barack Obama has presided.
We’re asked to believe that the Obama administration knew all along that things would take longer than four years to improve. “I never said this journey would be easy,” the president claimed in Charlotte. On the contrary, the president stated explicitly on February 1, 2009, that if he failed to get the economy turned around in three years, he would be looking at a “one-term proposition.”
If the Obama administration knew from the start that the so-called “hole” left by the previous administration was too deep to climb out of in one term, why did they repeatedly claim that the recovery was at hand? “Recovery Summer,” the White House website promised, would begin in June 2010.
Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner authored a New York Times op-ed in August 2010 proclaiming, “Welcome to the Recovery.” Geithner wrote, “A review of recent data on the American economy shows that we are on a path back to growth.” Though acknowledging continuing challenges, Geithner assured readers that “the actions we took . . . to stimulate the economy helped arrest the freefall, preventing an even deeper collapse and putting the economy on the road to recovery.”

Read more: http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/316447/why-bill-clinton-all-wet-mona-charen

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