Thursday, September 13, 2012

Who, What, Why the Economic Collapse

Greg's Newsletter 9/13/12

by Greg Goodwin

Folks, there was another horrible day in September, the day was the 17th, the year was 2008. On that day we began to realize the world’s financial system had collapsed. 

This series of videos will break down the economic meltdown on September 17, 2008. The US media should have done this video essay on why and who caused the greatest financial collapse since the Great Depression but it was not. It was presented by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Everyone one of us has been touched somehow by this, yet nothing to this level of detail from the US media.   Part 4                  

This most surprising thing is (not really), the same game is in play today, the rules have changed very little.  The derivative market is over $1 quadrillion. The too big too fail are twice the size today. None of the major players have gone to jail, just fines which is just the cost of doing business. They say the economy is improving, where??? I know where, in the financial markets which caused the collapse in the first place. The only way they can say it is improving is the Federal Reserve and the central banks around the world are pumping untold TRILLIONS into these entities which caused this financial meltdown and other multinational corporations.

As I have written previously, they can’t keep kicking this can down the road, one day it will hit a brick wall and then we can start rebuilding an economic system which has no favorites but an even playing field for those who honestly contribute to a true free enterprise system.

This how I look at these two statements reflecting an economic system: Capitalism = Cronyism and Unbalanced   /   Free Enterprise = Level playing field pursuing economic success.

I have included this article which David Stockman (Former Reagan OMB Director) gave his view on why the economic system is where it is today and what needs too be done to fix it. Be sure to watch the video:

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