Saturday, September 8, 2012

When It Comes To President Obama, Many Conservatives Are Living Inside A Bubble

For months now, I have been noticing that conservative pundits observing the Presidential election seem to be living in some kind of alternate universe that causes them to believe that, despite all of the available evidence, President Obama is clearly and obviously doomed in November. You can see it in blog posts on an almost daily basis for the past several months, in the columns and cable television appearances by certain conservative pundits, and the daily blathering of  the Rush Limbaugh’s and Sean Hannity’s of the world. To some extent, of course, you can dismiss much of this as home team chauvinism. After all, nobody who is dedicated to a cause wants to admit that it might be doomed, and even the people who supported candidates like Walter Mondale and Michael Dukakis held on to the bitter end even though the outcome was inevitable. At the same time, though, some of the election commentary on the right has taken on a slightly different tone as pundits look around and realize that Barack Obama might just pull off a win on November 6th after all, and you can see it most clearly in the advice that some of them are purporting to give to the Romney campaign.
Take, for example, Stanley Kurtz in National Review:
As the Romney campaign sees it, the tiny sliver of remaining undecided voters consists of mildly disillusioned former Obama supporters, or at least voters who personally like Obama. Coaxing these folks to “break up” with their erstwhile beau means not making them feel like they were fools to buy into Obama’s vision to begin with. That cuts against any effort to unmask the president’s overweening leftist ambitions. Let’s just say that the president’s a nice guy who’s in over his head instead.

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