Thursday, September 20, 2012

The 'Security Leak Administration' and the Deaths in Libya

Do Americans feel safer today than they did four years ago?  Considering the many dangers in today's world: riots in Muslim nations against U.S. interests, a U.S. ambassador and three others dead at the hands of jihadists, an undetected Russian submarine in restricted U.S. waters, and China launching intercontinental ballistic missiles to possibly achieve a first-strike nuclear capability against the U.S.
Meanwhile, President Obama has created an atmosphere of appeasement and indecision regarding national securityAmerican Thinker interviewed national security experts to get their opinion on the Obama administration's explanations to the American people.
The Obama administration would like Americans to believe that these recent Muslim riots were due solely to a spontaneous response to a video.  The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations said the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi last week was not premeditated.  But all those interviewed by American Thinker agree with former CIA Director Michael Hayden in that they don't buy this explanation.
"I continue to believe," Hayden said, "that what happened in Benghazi, Libya was purposeful, planned, and pre-meditated.  You don't bring a rocket-propelled grenade launcher and mortar to a spontaneous demonstration.  The attack was complex and well-organized.  As the embassy people moved to the safe house, it came under mortar fire.  I am not willing to concede that it was just a demonstration that got out of hand.  Even though the administration is suggesting that there is no evidence that it was pre-mediated, more likely, it's just that we did not detect it.  The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.  More broadly in Libya, if you break it, you own it, especially since Eastern Libya is awash with weapons, full of dangerous gangs, and is a hotbed for fundamentalists.  All of this was predictable."

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