Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Obama Press Votes Early

Mrs. Romney's exasperation with conservative critics is understandable. The mainstream press has been like a school of piranhas swarming around her husband. To receive fire from her own side as well -- even constructive advice -- may seem too much to bear.
Mitt Romney is facing perhaps the most corrupt and tendentious coverage in presidential history, as members of the fourth estate eschew any semblance of integrity in their attempt to skew interpretations in favor of their pinup, Mr. Obama.
The examples would fill volumes. Consider Mr. Romney's July trip to Britain, Israel and Poland. Roundly written off as a gaffe-fest by the media (Jon Stewart showed a graphic with Romney's face on a magazine called "National Geogaffic."), Romney actually gave an excellent and well-received speech in Israel where he was embraced literally and figuratively by the prime minister and other leaders.
Though he made one comment about security plans in London that could fairly be described as undiplomatic, it was a footnote. He gave an excellent speech in Poland, noting, "perhaps because here in Poland centralized control is no distant memory, you have brought a special determination to securing a free and prosperous economy."
Romney was basically endorsed by Lech Walesa, an icon of the struggle against communism, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize and former president of Poland. But the press devoted 95 percent of the coverage to a Romney press aide chastising the media for failing to show respect at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The treatment of the media is clearly more newsworthy than bilateral relations with a key European ally.

Read more: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2012/09/25/the_obama_press_votes_early_115560.html

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