Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Middle East protesters, their motivation and President Obama’s policy

Today has brought yet more violent protests against diplomatic facilities around the world. In addition to the attacks on U.S. embassies, the German and British embassies in Sudan were also attacked. News reports suggest that the confrontations between security forces and protesters in Tunisia and Egypt have resulted in a number of casualties. Fortunately, it now appears that host nation security forces are increasingly stepping in to protect diplomatic facilities (though far from sufficiently). I have a number of observations.
1.) These protests are not about respect for Islam. The protesters are concerned with what they perceive as the growing reach of modernity into their societies. Put simply, they hate Western liberalism and they hate the United States. In my opinion, Ari Fleischer was right to argue that the protests illustrate the truth of Mitt Romney’s earlier comments in Israel, where he spoke about the importance of social values. Until a society accepts the value of free and open debate, it will face continual outpourings of violent rage. It is notable that there have been few violent protests in the Islamic democracy of Turkey. I detest anti-Muslim sentiment in the U.S., but we must be willing to criticize foreign social currents which tolerate the disgusting behavior that we are currently witnessing around the world. Honest introspection is a critical tool in improving social conditions, and yet in many Islamic societies it is sadly lacking. Where moderate Islam offers comfort and honor, Salafist extremists offer destruction. This should not be a hidden understanding. That the American school in Tunisia was attacked should further illustrate the fact that some very unpleasant individuals and dynamics are engaged in these protests.
Ultimately, the leaders of these rejectionists are not people who value discussion. As Sayyid Qutb put it, “The chasm between Islam and Jahiliyyah is great, and a bridge is not to be built across it so that people on the two sides may mix with each other, but only so that the people of Jahiliyyah may come over to Islam.” This is an ideological tyranny which, devoid of moral value, resides on the imposition of fear.

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