Monday, September 24, 2012

Tax Cuts for Your Love Life

While on the tour of college campuses and late-night talk shows that serves as his campaign trail (despite seeming more appropriate for an aging rock band trying to make a few bucks off its past glory), President Barack Obama has been railing against tax cuts.
Not just criticizing tax cuts but ridiculing them. Since he knows that Americans generally prefer tax cuts to the tax hikes which he supports, he's resorting to childish attacks on Republican policy as "tax cuts to help you lose a few extra pounds, tax cuts to improve your love live. It will improve anything according to them."
From the "even a broken clock" files, Obama may be on to something here.
[Actually, that's not fair to broken clocks, which are right 14 times a week, far more often than our president. To wit: President Obama doesn't know how large our national debt is, is consoled because "a lot of it we owe it to ourselves" (as if a loan to a family member, much less a stranger, is any less of a loan just because the borrower is American) and thinks that "we don't have to worry about it short term" (which to a politician means we don't have to worry about it at all since he'll be gone in a few months or a few years). And he still blames a video for the attack on our consulate in Benghazi despite nobody outside of the MSNBC studios believing such a literally incredible claim.]
Former Obama economic adviser Christina Romer authored a paper with her husband in which they argue that:

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