Monday, September 3, 2012

Surprise surprise: wind farms do nothing for the environment (except cause noise pollution)

A two-year analysis of Victoria’s wind-farm developments by mechanical engineer Hamish Cumming shows that “despite receiving hundreds of millions of dollars from green energy schemes driven by the renewable energy target, Victoria’s wind-farm developments have saved virtually zero carbon dioxide emissions in the state”.

A forensic examination of publicly available power-supply data shows Victoria’s carbon-intensive brown-coal power stations do not reduce the amount of coal they burn when wind power is available to the grid.
Cumming says surplus energy is wasted to make room for intermittent supplies from wind.
Cumming’s findings have been confirmed by Victoria’s coal-fired electricity producers and by
independent energy analysts who say it is more efficient to keep a brown-coal power-station running than turn it down and then back up.
Without gas or some other form of peaking power supply the Victorian electricity system is not equipped for the vagaries of wind power.

Read more:

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