Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Secession in Spain—civil war forecasted

Spain has always had a serious domestic issue which often evolves into violence. The Basque movement, an openly socialist movement, has already gained a privileged financing system with Spain throughout the Basque and Navarre regions. Today, the Catalonia region of Spain is threatening secession if Spain does not grant similar privileges.
A socialist game of chess has unfolded inside Spain’s northern regions. It’s interesting in the fact that Spain is already, in many ways, a socialist state. But for many, the moderate socialist state of Spain is not enough for the Basque National Liberation Movement.
Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA) is a terrorist organization formed in the late 50’s. ETA is the main organization and the operational military wing of the Basque National Liberation Movement and is heavily influential throughout northern Spain and southern France. All forms of terror tactics have been incorporated into ETA’s playbook of violence—kidnappings, maiming, bombings, assassinations, etc.
While northern Spain has its issues with the Basque National Liberation Movement, it is critical to understand that its militant arm, ETA, has global reach. Ties between nation states and global terror networks exist.

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