Wednesday, September 5, 2012


The coverage at the third-tier cable outlet MSNBC this week has been no less than a hysterical fit over all the perceived "racist" slights that might possibly be construed from criticism of the president.  The Democratic Party's attempts to color the Republican Party as a cohort of racist wind-talkers, brandishing everything from "golf" to "Chicago" as a kind of racial code, smacks of the kind of paranoia one might hear from a gang of choom-smokers watching A Clockwork Orange in their college dorms.
Yet what else would a gathering of conservative Republicans do but criticize the leftist leader of the opposition party?
But that was the point of the pro-Democrat media elevating Barack Obama to president of the United States from seemingly out of nowhere: to place him above criticism.  The problem is that in a two-party, center-right nation, divisive politics are as old as the Republic itself.
Political opposition to the Democratic Party cannot be based on race if it pre-existed the presidency of Barack Obama.  The same issues that were fought over when race was absent from the prominent national discussion cannot suddenly be racially motivated just because we now have a black president.  Opposition to socialized medicine, for example, cannot be based on racial antipathy toward Barack Obama when it was just as fierce under presumably white President Bill Clinton (all hallucinated insults to the Congressional Black Caucus aside).

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