Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Mideast in Flames -- And Obama Still Can Do No Wrong

The Middle East is in flames, our embassies are under attack, and four American diplomats have come home in coffins. So who is to blame?
It's time for the MSM to round up all the usual suspects -- and to exonerate a president who cavorts with Hollywood celebrities and goes on the David Letterman show to demonstrate his famous cool under fire. Perhaps he will do a Top Ten list on why the U.S. should stand by and do nothing while Iran gets ready to launch a nuclear attack that will achieve its oft stated goal of destroying Israel.
In her own inimitable (and nonsensical) prose, Maureen Dowd began her column this weekend saying that Paul Ryan has not "sautéed" in foreign policy. Nor -- I will add for her -- has Paul Ryan drizzled, dredged, or deep-fried in foreign policy. She wrote:
Paul Ryan has not sautéed in foreign policy in his years on Capitol Hill. The 42-year-old congressman is no Middle East savant; till now, his idea of a border dispute has more likely involved Wisconsin and Illinois.
Perhaps a copy-editor (if the Times still has such people) could take Ms. Dowd aside and explain to her that sauté is a transitive verb: It is an action word that requires an object (you sauté onions, garlic, or other things, and you do it quickly; you don't self-reflexively place what the reader must assume to be your own bottom in cooking oil or foreign policy over a great length of time). I would guess that she meant to say that Paul Ryan has not been steeped in foreign policy, but then she rejected that as insufficiently high-brow for her audience.

Read more: http://spectator.org/archives/2012/09/18/mideast-in-flames-and-obama-st

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