Tuesday, September 18, 2012


On tonight’s episode of “Glenn Beck”, Glenn laid out a new theory regarding the attacks on American Ambassador Chris Stevens in Libya. On the show, Glenn stated that he believes, based on his research and analysis, Stevens was not killed as a result of spontaneous riot spurned by the video spreading around YouTube parodying Muhammad. Instead, Glenn believes he was killed in a targeted attack and that the protests were just used as a distraction.

In the opening minutes of the show, Glenn laid out the timeline for the attacks on Libyan embassy::

- 10:15pm Consulate is engulfed in flames. Many escape, raced by convoy about one mile down the road to a supposed “safe house”. Stevens does not make it.

- 10:45pm Security staff regroup and try to take back the main building but encounter heavy fire and retreat.

- 11:20pm More back-up arrives and a second attempt regains the main building. Fighting erupts at the “secret” safe house and lasts 2 hours. The attack was described as “intense, deadly and accurarte.” It featured automatic weapons, RPG’s and mortar fire. The accuracy was said to be too good for ordinary revolutionaries. Two former SEALs are killed in firefight.

- 1:15 am – Stevens body taken to hospital and unable to be revived

Before the attack, one of the guards who died alongside Stevens, Sean Smith, posted the following on an online gaming message board: “assuming we don’t die tonight. We saw one of our ‘police’ that guard the compound taking pictures”.

Glenn wondered if all the elements of the timeline above and the message from Smith really match up with the story circulating Washington D.C. and the media – that the attacks were the result of a spontaneous protest spurned on by the YouTube video. He had a different theory.

After a break, Glenn tried to tell the story of what happened in Libya from a different perspective.

Read more: http://www.libertynewsonline.com/article_301_32269.php

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