Friday, September 7, 2012

Democrats and Swiss Bank Hypocrisy

Tuesday night at the Democrat National Convention (DNC), former Ohio (did I spell that correctly?) Governor Ted Strickland said, "In Matthew, chapter 6, verse 21, the scriptures teach us that where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."  Strickland was referring to Mitt Romney's Swiss bank account.  He continued, "Governor Romney, just because you bank against the United States of America doesn't mean the rest of us are willing to sell her out.  We are Americans."
Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) said on CBS' Face the Nation, "He is the first and only candidate for U.S. president with a Swiss bank account, with tax shelters."  That statement may be true (I can't dispute Durbin's research), but Romney closed his Swiss bank account in 2010.  Further, Romney says that he has paid all legally due taxes.
We have this attack advertisement, approved by Barack Hussein Obama, which concludes, "It's just what you would expect from a guy who had a Swiss bank account."  And this website, full of speculation, says, "We don't know if he's using these accounts [Switzerland included] to avoid paying his fair share in taxes, but we do know that in 2010, Romney's tax rate was a startlingly low 13.9%."  There are two obvious problems, for thinking people, with the above statement.  The phrase "fair share" is never defined, and nowhere is there an explanation of why "Romney's tax rate was a startlingly low 13.9%."

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