Sunday, September 9, 2012

Co-ops are now employing more people than corporations

As I have been covering in my shows and articles over the past few months, the economic and societal changes that are taking place all over the globe are much less of a collapse, as is often described, and more of a transition. It is true that an old way of life and all of its trappings are disintegrating into obsolescence, but this is only the beginning of the story.

There have been a few who have pointed this out, but until now our assertions have been based purely on speculation from researching history and wishful thinking. Not to discount the importance of historical knowledge, but it was difficult to find signs that could be pointed out to show where exactly this transition may be leading.

However, in the past year, and especially in recent months, information has been emerging that is at least starting to show what the path looks like. As I have expressed in many previous articles on Spain’s time banks and decentralized currencies in Greece, in some of the areas that are getting hit the hardest, there has been a natural ability for people to devise ways to replace the collapsing system with a more user friendly alternative.

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