Thursday, September 27, 2012


So, we have a big September Surprise, and it is that BH Obama is even more cowardly, spineless, inept and disconnected with reality than even the most critical of us ever thought. A bunch of Islamic terrorists, in an act of war, killed Ambassador Chris Steven, his bodyguard, ex US Navy Seal Glen Doherty, and two other diplomats in Benghazi, Libya, Almost simultaneously, an Islamic Terrorist attack our US Embassy in Cairo, Egypt, essentially destroyed it, another act of war.

Coordinated? Who cares? (Well the White House wants to deal with minutia and prove it was not coordinated or preplanned. But I don’t care. Both were acts of war against the United States.) It’s Muslim Jihad, plain and simple. The US Flag was torn down, desecrated, and replaced with a form of the Taliban/Al Qaeda flag. Both of these terrorist groups who attacked us are the very terrorists Obama, by leading from the rear with complicity, put into power about a year ago. He assured us they were not Islamic Brotherhood and that they would not be a radical Muslim Terrorist regime. Well, he was wrong—I take that back—I don’t think he was wrong because think he knew they’d be radical, and that’s just fine with him.

After the attacks, during a campaign speech in Golden Colorado, Obama said, “I know it’s unsettling to see these images on television.” Mr. Obama, is “unsettling” the very best you can gin up to describe the Ambassador you appointed being brutally murdered along with the dedicated former Navy Seal, and two other diplomats? Those aren’t “images,” Mr. Obama! They were red blooded Americans, serving you and your Administration on “American Soil” in our embassies: they were fathers, husbands, and patriots. And you go so far as to say the images of their deaths unsettle you? Our Cairo Embassy is essentially destroyed by another group of Islamic Terrorism, another act of war by terrorists, rubbing our nose in the dirt in their celebration of 9/11, and you are “unsettled,” Oh, my!

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