Monday, September 24, 2012

Al Sharpton ‘may be the only black person who will not really like this book’

Conservative provocateur Ann Coulter’s back and this time she’s talking black … history.
“The true history of the Democrats and black Americans is one Democrats should be ashamed of,” Coulter told The Daily Caller, discussing her new book, “Mugged: Racial Demagoguery From the Seventies to Obama,” to be released Tuesday.
“It has been the Republican Party from the beginning, and to this day [they] are the only ones that treated blacks both as human beings and as adults, with Republicans constantly pushing for civil rights and Democrats flipping only when it became politically — or let me say, electorally — advantageous for them to do so.”
“I tell the true history of civil rights,” she said.
Hers is a history where Republicans fought for civil rights and Democrats were often an obstacle to it. “Not all Democrats were segregationists,” Coulter writes, “but all segregationists were Democrats.”
“The Southern Strategy is utterly contrary to history,” Coulter said. And the segregationist Democrats in the Senate were hardly conservatives in Democrats’ clothing, she argues.
“These were all liberal Democrats; they weren’t conservative Democrats,” she said.

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