Saturday, July 21, 2012

We are reaching dangerous critical mass of Americans with stake in gov't

I think it’s a sport for President Obama to make outrageous statements like “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen” – which he said in a recent campaign stop in Roanoke, Va. – and then watch Republicans go predictably bananas.
Certainly the multimillionaire business supporters of the president on Wall Street and in Hollywood know this is absurd. Anyone with the mildest understanding of business and capitalism knows this is absurd.
Yet the president struck at the heart of what makes capitalism tick – individual freedom and personal responsibility – without his polling numbers in the week that followed budging and his re-election probability on actually ticked up two and half points.
We are reaching dangerous critical mass of those in our country who have enough stake in big government – whether they are employed by it, collecting benefits from it, or businesses getting favors from it – that political protection is commanding a higher premium than freedom.
If Americans want prosperity, we need a grand reawakening to the incontrovertible fact that its source is entrepreneurs unfettered by meddling politicians.

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