Monday, July 2, 2012

We Are On Our Own

The Supreme Court’s decision last Thursday on the Constitutionality of Obamacare confirms the worst of what I’ve suspected – what I think many of us have suspected – for some time. Conservatives must adjust their thinking now for the real world and the long, hard job of regaining personal liberties that have been slowly hollowed out by the Federal government over the last century or so.

And that reality is that the Federal leviathan will not meekly surrender power it has taken from property owners, producers and citizens through the standard political process of statutory law. No elected federal politician – president or member of Congress – and no member of the judiciary will do for us what we must do for ourselves.

And that is to call for a new Constitutional Convention through state legislators. And the key piece that this convention needs to make its primary focus is to limit Congress’s power to tax.

The primary reason this limit needs to be considered and adopted is that the Supreme Court’s Obamacare decision makes Congress’s power to tax virtually unlimited. Indeed, it allowed Congress to collect taxes for health insurance coverage, something up to now the purview of the states for which it has no Constitutional authority to regulate.
How far we have come in our republic's 236-year history. At our nation's beginning, after the Declaration of Independence was signed and the Revolutionary War was underway, we operated under the Articles of Confederation for about 10 years. The states which constituted our union were fearful of strong central governments. When the Treaty of Paris officially ended the Revolutionary War in 1783, the nation was a financial basket case. Each state issued its own currency and the national government depended on the altruism of state legislatures. We were not really a nation at all, but rather a loose confederation of states. 

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