Saturday, July 7, 2012

To Fix Healthcare System, Put Consumers in Charge

Democrats were riding high in the polls in 2006 and 2008, and one of their big issues was healthcare. Then, after passing the president's healthcare law, the politics shifted, and the issue helped sweep the GOP to victory in the 2010 midterm elections. A few months later, Republicans had a 14-point advantage in terms of voter trust on the healthcare issue.

Then, Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan introduced his healthcare plan, and the lead disappeared. Neither party has an advantage on the issue now.

President Barack Obama's plan is unpopular, and most want to see it repealed. Ryan's plan is unpopular, and few want to see it enacted. Both plans are unpopular because neither one puts consumers in charge of their own healthcare decisions. More than anything else, that lack of consumer control is the root cause of the healthcare problems facing our nation today.

Americans now pay a smaller share of their disposable income on out-of-pocket medical care than they did in 1960. Nearly nine out of every 10 dollars spent on medical care coverage is paid by either an insurance company or the government. Since someone else is paying the bills, someone else ends up making the big decisions about things that affect every individual's healthcare.

That is precisely what most Americans want to change. No one wants their healthcare choices being made by government officials, insurance companies or their employer. People want to make those important decisions themselves.

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