Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Governing Elite Are The Greatest Threat To the World's Middle Class

The crisis of the governing class is intensifying. Last week:
  • The 100 billion euro bailout of Spanish banks and massive tax increases to narrow the government’s budget deficit are followed by a rise in interest rates on Spanish government bonds to a euro-record high.  
  • San Bernardino became the third California city in the past month to file for bankruptcy.
  • Faced with a budget crisis that threatens to eliminate thousands of teachers, California’s government voted to spend more than $3 billion on a high-speed train to nowhere.
  • New research showed strong evidence that increased government spending reduces economic growth.
Their effort to refashion society by redistributing income and regulating markets is now hitting the reality of insufficient cash flow. Even worse, the governing elite’s self-love, sense of noble entitlement and arrogant belief that their good intentions trump bad results have led to a series of policy blunders that have destroyed jobs and businesses in the productive private sector, intensifying the government debt crises here and abroad.

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