Saturday, July 7, 2012

Pre-Existing Confusion

It is stunning to watch Republicans being put on the defensive time and time again by the "Pre-Existing Conditions" argument.
Every word has meaning and power:
The inherent power of (a) word is a phenomenon that has been both omnipresent and essential throughout the long histories of literature, philosophy, religion and politics.
Aside from using the free ride to be given to the under-26 crowd, the most common club used on our team is the nonsense that the existence of a pre-existing condition must not restrict or deny a person's "right" to health insurance.
The very utterance of that notion conveys ignorance of the meanings of insurance -- namely, "[c]overage by a contract binding a party to indemnify another against specified loss in return for premiums paid[.]"
Then there's the meaning of insurance contract:
... includes, at a minimum, the following elements: identification of participating parties (the insurer, the insured, the beneficiaries), the premium, the period of coverage, the particular loss event covered, the amount of coverage (i.e., the amount to be paid to the insured or beneficiary in the event of a loss), and exclusions (events not covered). An insured is thus said to be "indemnified" against the loss covered in the policy.

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