Thursday, July 26, 2012

New York Times: Delusional on the Debt Ceiling

In a recent New York Times op-ed, Bill Keller laid out a strategy for how President Obama can regain momentum when it comes to the fiscal cliff America faces on January 1, 2013. According to Keller:
President Obama should declare now that unless Congressional leaders come up with a serious bargain on fiscal reform, something very like Simpson-Bowles, he will allow all of the Bush tax breaks to lapse and all of the draconian cuts to take effect.
Assuming no deal is consummated in the poisonous pre-election climate, he should insist on a lame-duck session after Election Day. He should invite Congressional leaders to Camp David, put Simpson-Bowles on the table, and negotiate - not a lot, since the plan already includes considerable compromise, but enough to show good will. If no deal emerges, all the Democrats have to do is take a page from the Republican playbook: dig in their heels and do nothing.
Unfortunately for Keller, the thesis of his column is based upon wishful thinking, and it has other serious problems besides.  Below are six moderate to significant issues any reader of this column should be aware of:

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