Saturday, July 14, 2012

Media misses immigration angle in jobs analysis

Over the past three months, the economy has created an average of 75,000 new jobs and the federal government has created an average of 75,000 new permanent U.S. job seekers via immigration. The mainstream media does not report the latter statistic. For years, NumbersUSA has talked about the 75,000 permanent work permits the federal government grants (on average) to immigrant workers every month. For the last three months, job creation has barely kept pace with the number of green cards issued - a fact that eluded the press and, therefore, much of the citizenry.
Reporters do a slightly better job in acknowledging population growth's connection to the employment situation. Unemployment numbers are effected not just by new jobs created but by new workers seeking those jobs:
But what the Stateman Journal explicitly states, and the Washington Post implies (that U.S. population growth is a completely natural phenomenon), is not true. In fact, U.S. population growth is primarily engineered by Congress via immigration policy. Seventy-five percent of U.S. population growth between 2000 and 2010 was due to 13.1 million new immigrants (legal and illegal) and 8.2 million births to immigrant mothers in that decade and the Census Bureau projects "86 percent of the population growth during the year 2050 may be due to the effects of post-1992 net immigration." The mainstream media hasn't made the connection and has never questioned the government's forced-growth policies during high unemployment.

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