Friday, July 13, 2012

A Leftist Media for Obama

The national media likes to present the left, even the radical left, as more or less mainstream, even as it depicts the Tea Party as a fringe movement.  Politicians who espouse Marxist ideas, like Barack Obama, are treated as if they are centrists, well-suited to solve the crises that their own policies have created.  As the liberal media see it, the debate is over.  America has become a European-style social welfare state, and there is no going back.  There is only going forward, or what Obama calls "forward," toward the hardcore communism of the past.
From this perspective, socialism is the normal and expected condition of mankind, and communism -- the thuggish assault on liberty of Venezuela's Hugo Chávez or Bolivia's Juan Evo Morales -- is simply a less genteel means toward the same end.
In every case, the media ignore the inevitable executions and gulags of the communist state and report instead on the purported advancements of health care and literacy.  Early fellow-travelers like Theodore Dreiser, Andre Gide, John Maynard Keynes, and Sidney and Beatrice Webb, among many others, visited the Soviet Union and returned with glowing reports of giant strides forward in industrial development. When it was pointed out that tens of millions had been murdered and that the purported developed was largely staged, these facts were ignored or dismissed.  Nothing could be allowed to stand in the way of transformation from capitalism to a supposedly utopian communist state.  

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