Saturday, July 7, 2012


Scientists and researchers are all over the food industry trying to improve the look of food, the quantity of food and the longevity of food. Front and center with this ‘enlightened’ food movement are genetic engineers hanging out in ‘Frankenstein’s laboratory’ who move genes between organisms. Unfortunately, the priorities of safety and common sense do not always apply in their testing of our food supply. The bottom line seems to be – make them pretty – make them last longer – make more of them.

One simple discovery was made with tomatoes. Apparently, tomato breeders discovered a ‘gene mutation’ on accident 70 years ago that caused tomatoes to turn scarlet and appear uniform. Yes, the red tomatoes you see at the store have been genetically mutated to turn red. In the process, they discovered that the price of the beautiful and artificial color was that small thing called taste. Yes, the tomato you bite into now days is not the luscious taste it is supposed to be, unless of course you eat one grown naturally without being modified. A ‘real’ tomato, not the ‘stepford wives’ version we are given, has a ring of white, green or yellow at the end of the stem and much more flavor.

Genetic manipulation is going on with our meat, dairy and crops all in the name of ‘scientific progress.’ How most genetic scientists define ‘good’ and ‘needed’ genetic help is a literal nightmare for most Americans who just want to eat natural, healthy and yummy food while staying alive…preferably without disease.

What are the potential dangers?

According to a variety of food and agriculture groups, the risks are numerous. says there are hazards everywhere. They reference many sources you can check yourself.

Read more:

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