Sunday, July 1, 2012

Fast & Furious: Paths leading to the White House Timeline

George Walker Bush administration

2005: To help combat firearms trafficking into Mexico, ATF began Project Gunrunner as a pilot project in Laredo, Texas, in 2005 (See OIG Report dated November 2010)i
2006: April: Project Gunrunner official launch date.ii
2007: June: ATF published a strategy document, Southwest Border Initiative: Project Gunrunner, outlining four key components to Project Gunrunner: the expansion of gun tracing in Mexico, international coordination, domestic activities, and intelligence. In implementing Project Gunrunner, ATF has focused resources in its four Southwest border field divisions.
January: Project Gunrunner expanded by adding 58 staff to the Southwest border field divisions, 3 additional staff to EPIC, and deploying eTrace to all U.S. consulates in Mexico.
June: Merida Initiative signed into law, allocated $2 million to expand Spanish eTrace throughout Mexico and Central America.

Barack Hussein Obama administration

February: The Recovery Act signed into law, allocated $10 million to ATF for Project Gunrunner.
February 25: DHS Secretary Napolitano testified in the House Homeland Security Committee, stressing that stopping the flow of guns to Mexico was a top priority of the Obama administration and key focus of her work.
*March 24, 2009: A 30-minute press conferenceiii was held at the White House by Press Secretary Robert Gibbs that included Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, newly appointed Deputy Attorney General David Ogden, and Deputy Secretary of State Jim Steinberg. Ogden, who had been on the job for a mere 12 days, referred to Project Gunrunner and other ancillary ATF programs by name, and stated that he was working directly with the Attorney General on the implementation of these programs that included Project Gunrunner.
(See May 3, 2011)
June: Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2009 allocated an additional $6 million to ATF for Project Gunrunner.
December: Spanish eTrace piloted in Mexico; ATF Agent John DODSON, who later came forward about the tactics used by the ATF & DOJ, arrives in Phoenix.

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