Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Another Tea Party Terrorist Smear

The so-called prestige media have built this arrogant sense of professionalism around themselves. They are not just fair and objective, they're also accurate. The great amateurish unwashed shouldn't sit at keyboards in their pajamas and attempt the marvelous feats that only they perform.
But when these reporters see an opportunity to discredit conservatives, all that goes out the window.
Shortly after the Batman premiere began at midnight in Aurora, Colo., (Mountain time), police say James Holmes opened fire in a crowded theater, killing 12 and wounding many more. Six hours later, early in the second hour of "Good Morning America" in New York, ABC host George Stephanopoulos announced that investigative reporter Brian Ross had "found something that might be significant."
Ross declared that a Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colo., had joined the tea party, but "we don't know if this is the same Jim Holmes." How on earth could a professional journalist drop that bombshell on national television and in the next breath admit it was pure speculation? Or as the actual Jim Holmes of the tea party replied, "What kind of idiot makes that kind of statement?"

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